Benefits of the Project Mu.SA

Project outputs will directly benefit museum professionals and unemployed in the cultural sector, as well as the museums themselves. Indirectly, the project will contribute to raising the quality of life of the general public, by enabling museums to offer enhanced cultural experiences.

Mu.SA Online Conference | The future of museum professionals in the digital era

Culture Action Europe, DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University and the Mu.SA project partners have jointly taken the decision to move the Mu.SA Final Conference online. This decision has been taken following the COVID19 emergency.

The conference, initially planned for April 3, will now take place on April 15, 2020 from 10am to 2pm. To participate, please register here before April 13.

DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University and Culture Action Europe will host the event “The future of museum professionals in the digital era”.

Read more here!


We are happy to inform you that the pre-selection procedure for the participation to the Mu.SA Specialization course has finished and the pre-selected candidates per country (Greece, Italy, Portugal) have been informed through email. Due to the GDPR law, the details of the pre-selected candidates will not be announced publicly. Totally, only 120 candidates are selected to continue with the Specialization Course in the Mu.SA project countries. The Specialization course will start in 16 September 2019 and end on 13 March 2020.

We would like to thank all candidates who took time and submitted their Expression of Interest for the Mu.SA Specialization Course!  We remind you that this is a pilot specialization course that we hope to develop it to a permanent course, and we shall inform you when a new Mu.SA Specialization Course is announced.

Once more, we would like to thank you all for supporting the Mu.SA project and we are looking forward to see you in a new course!

Mu.SA: Museum Sector Alliance

Mu.SA addresses directly the shortage of digital and transferrable skills identified in the museum sector as they have been explicitly recorded during the analysis phase of project eCult Skills, which was funded under the Lifelong Learning Programme (2013-15)

Benefits of the Project Mu.SA

Project outputs will directly benefit museum professionals and unemployed in the cultural sector, as well as the museums themselves. Indirectly, the project will contribute to raising the quality of life of the general public, by enabling museums to offer enhanced cultural experiences.

Mu.SA Online Conference | The future of museum professionals in the digital era

Culture Action Europe, DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University and the Mu.SA project partners have jointly taken the decision to move the Mu.SA Final Conference online. This decision has been taken following the COVID19 emergency.

The conference, initially planned for April 3, will now take place on April 15, 2020 from 10am to 2pm. To participate, please register here before April 13.

DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University and Culture Action Europe will host the event “The future of museum professionals in the digital era”.

Read more here!

Mu.SA Project

Mu.SA Project

The project “Mu.SA: Museum Sector Alliance” is approved in the European Framework of Erasmus+ / Sector Skills Alliances. It aims to address the increasing disconnection between formal education and tr

Who we are

The partnership consists of twelve partners from four Countries: a EU-wide Network of museums and cultural organizations from Belgium; three museum sectoral organizations representing two Associations

What we do

Mu.SA project will produce a range of innovative outcomes, including European profiles of emerging job roles in museums that will serve as a common reference at European level, staged VET methodology


The online platform of the Mu.SA project serves as the main delivery medium for the project outcomes. The platform supports the open exchange of opinions, ideas, experience, discussions, peer learning


Our motivation: Due to the quickening pace of the adoption of ICT in the museum sector, a strong disconnection between formal education and training and the world of work has been observed. The Mu.SA project aims to close that gap.

News & Events


The e-Book of Mu.SA is now available for all!

The book entitled "The Future of Museum Professionals in the Digital Era - The Success Story of Mu.SA", Achilles Kameas and Panagiota Polymeropoulou (editors), is the outcome of the online conference

Ethical challenges for Museums in the Digital Era

What are the ethical challenges for museums in the digital era? Mu.SA consortium partners from Portugal have put together proposals coming from museum professionals to understand and follow the dig...

Docking the Mu.SA Ship

The origins of MuSA project can be traced in eCultSkills, a small-scale project that mapped the training needs of museum professionals so that they can benefit and take advantage of IT. The import...

The Mu.SA book is coming out!

We are glad to inform you that soon we will make available the Mu.SA e-book! You will be able to find and download the Mu.SA book entitled "The future of museum professionals in the digital era - The